提眉 俄亥俄州哥伦布市
Both men and women can benefit from brow lift surgery – also known as a “forehead lift” – to create a more defined arch and smooth out the forehead. 面部整形外科医生. 米歇尔Sieffert has perfected her technique and offers her patients a natural, 上脸看起来更年轻. With a forehead lift, you’ll see beautiful results without eyebrow-raising changes!
A brow lift can help you look years younger by tightening the upper face. Brow lifts improve facial symmetry, reduce wrinkles and minimize loose skin above your brow. If desired, a brow lift can also give you a more pronounced arch. If you ever worry that your resting expression appears tired or upset, 提眉可以让你看起来更机警.
除了这些美学上的好处, incisions are typically in the hairline or blended into the hairline, 所以伤疤是看不见的.
Dr. 米歇尔Sieffert的个性化自信方法
Dr. Sieffert specializes in facial plastic surgery, it is clear why. She understands that surgeries are never one size fits all, especially when it comes to the face. This is why she is trained in a variety of brow lifts to accommodate the needs of all of her patients. Dr. Sieffert will make her recommendation based on your goals and your anatomy. 她将讨论每一种方法的好处和不同之处, 然后你们将一起完成你们独特的计划.
Dr. Sieffert also believes in treating delicate tissue responsibly during surgery, 哪种手术更安全, 更快的恢复和更舒适的整体体验.
Eyebrow lifts are customizable and enhance the appearance of the eyebrows and up. The forehead skin is lifted, excess skin is removed to create a permanently lifted look. 你是否想永久矫正额头上的皱纹, 提升下垂的眉毛, 或者平衡不对称的眉毛, Dr. Sieffert会根据你的具体目标制定一个计划.
Brow lifts are a great way to achieve a smooth forehead and lift the upper face in a long-lasting way. That is how the surgery earned a 91% “Worth It” rating on RealSelf.在近800条评论中.
Forehead lifts are effective at independently treating specific concerns, but forehead lifts are also often combined with other surgeries/procedures if a patient has other concerns. 咨询有资质的人是很重要的 委员会认证的面部整形外科医生 to ensure that a brow lift is going to help you meet all of your goals.
拉眉术后恢复相对较快. 你手术的那晚, 你会因麻醉而感到疲倦, 但在你提眉后的第二天, 你会想起来走动走动. 然而, you will have physical restrictions after your brow lift that are set in place by your surgeon. These will periodically be lifted throughout the month following surgery.
After about 5-7 days (and once you are completely off pain medication), you can begin driving again. After 2 weeks, you can resume normal bending, lifting, household chores. At the 3-week mark, you can then begin exercising again and activity restrictions are fully lifted.
All sutures are dissolvable, so you won’t have to come into the office for them to be removed. You will have periodic follow-up appointments with the surgical team, we are always here if you need anything between appointments.
Dr. 西弗特拥护内窥镜提眉术, a technique that has eliminated the need for large scalp incisions. 而不是, an endoscope (surgical video device) and narrow instruments are placed through small incisions made within the hairline. This allows the tissue and muscle beneath the skin to be repositioned, altered or removed.
Ultimately your results will reflect a correction of visible creases and furrows in the forehead.
因为有各种各样的提眉手术,所以价格范围很广. 提眉/前额提拉术的价格通常在7500美元到10000美元之间. 价格完全取决于你的独特计划. Dr. Sieffert’s surgical team will provide you with an exact quote for your plan during your consultation.
这取决于你的审美目标. 你想绷紧脸上的哪个部位?
- 提眉针对的是眼角及以上
- 眼睑手术只针对眼睑皮肤
- 面部拉皮针对的是嘴角及以下部位
通常,这些面部手术是结合在一起的. 提眉术和 眼睑手术(眼睑成形术) 会让你的上脸焕然一新吗.
〇提眉术整容 组合是抗衰老的极好澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. If there is excess skin or sagging in the lower portion of the face, 上面的部分也可能是一样的.
Brow lift surgery is a safe and effective solution for individuals seeking to address sagging or drooping eyebrows and achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance, 特别是眉毛以上和前额区域. 我们邀请您今天预约您的个人咨询!
来自博士的最新消息. Sieffert
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